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50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

Posted on by 愚人碼頭


In spite of the fact that jQuery was released in January 2006 it still holds its position and it’s not surprising, because of its ability to add various elements without the necessity to write bulky and heavy code. Also, it’s getting even much more easier as the community of developers constantly releases plugins that allow?web developers?to enhance their projects. And to make your task simpler, in order you could just visit our site and choose some of these useful plugins, we’ve picked the best and the newest?jQuery pluginsand listed them below.


A jQuery plug-in which transitions through blurbs of text, animating each character.
Textualizer.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Impress.js is a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
Impress.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Revolver is a new content slider that makes no assumptions about your markup.
Revolver.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


CraftMap (previous MobilyMap) is a lightweight (6KB only), fully configurable jQuery plugin that converts a simple image into a functional map by overlaying dynamic elements on it such as markers.
 in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slideshow using images inside a single container. It work with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up. It also adds css max-width support for IE6 and other browsers that don’t natively support it.
ResponsiveSlides.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Map Marker Plugin

This plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on Map using Google Map API V3.
Map Marker is very useful when you have a list of data & you want to show all of them on Map too.
jQuery Map Marker Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Collapse

This Plugin delivers an accessible and lightweight solution to a widely adopted interface pattern (known as progressive disclosure).
jQuery Collapse<br /><br />
 in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


This script splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space. The ideal number of characters to set on each row is calculated by dividing the available width by the CSS font-size – the script then uses this ideal character count to split the headline into word combinations that are displayed as separate rows of text.
slabText in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


This library adds a Font object to the collection of predefined objects available to you when doing JS coding for the web. You are probably already familiar with new Image() for loading images through the browser; this object does something similar for fonts.
Font.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Stellar.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery — v0.1.2+
jQuery Transit in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Plugin Boilerplate

A boilerplate for jump-starting jQuery plugins development. Contains lots of comments to help you get going easily. It is truly object-oriented, it implements public and private methods as well as public and private properties, making it the ideal candidate for when building both simple and complex jQuery plugins.
jQuery Plugin Boilerplate in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


EaselJS is a javascript library for working with the html5 canvas element.
EaselJS in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Cuepoint.js is an open source plugin for adding subtitles to your HTML5 video. You’re free to use it for whatever you want.
Cuepoint.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link, or any html element of your choice.
Hovercard.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It’s great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element.
jRumble in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more.
Sharrre in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery tubular

Tubular is a jQuery plugin that lets you set a YouTube video as your page background. Just attach it to your body tag, specify a YouTube video ID and tell it the ID of your content wrapper, and you’re on your way.
jQuery tubular in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

Flow Slider jQuery Plugin

Flow Slider is a JavaScript thumbnail slider. Flow Slider is customizable, skinnable, fashionable, and looks great on every site. Impress your visitors and make navigation more intuitive!
Flow Slider jQuery Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Pdf.js is an HTML5 technology experiment that explores building a faithful and efficient Portable Document Format (PDF) renderer without native code assistance.
Pdf.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


A simple, modern, framework-independent, well-tested, unobtrusive, notification system. Utilizes CSS transitions when available, falls back to JS animation when not. Includes mobile support.
Humane.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jqPagination is a jQuery plugin that provides a newer method of pagination for your web site or application. Instead of displaying a list of page numbers like traditional pagination methods jqPagination uses an interactive ‘Page 1 of 5′ input that, when selected, allows the user to enter their desired page number. The plugin will ensure that only valid pages can be selected, a valid request will result in the paged callback. First, previous, next and last buttons work out of the box, but are optional.
jqPagination in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jQuip in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
Tokeninput in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Slideshowify is a jQuery plugin for generating a “Ken Burns Effect”-style slideshow from images that match a selector. Images that don’t fit the window proportions exactly (generally the case) are cropped and panned across the screen. This also resembles that Mac screensaver.
jquery.slideshowify.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Combogrid, like autocomplete, when added to an input field, enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, but in a tabular and paginated manner. Combogrid provides keyboard navigation support for selecting an item. And It’s ThemeRoller-ready.
ComboGrid in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin

jQuery Plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container.
jQuery Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery News Ticker

Taking inspiration from the BBC News website ticker, jQuery News Ticker brings a lightweight and easy to use news ticker to jQuery.
jQuery News Ticker in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Lifestream

Show a stream of your online activity.
jQuery Lifestream in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin

This is a simple plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focussed and disappear when text entry begins. Clearing a field and leaving brings back the label.
In-Field Labels jQuery Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.
Moment.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


A jQuery plugin that converts a normal HTML form into ajax by only including the script. It sends the form by AJAX to the URL given in “action” property of the form. Also, the plugin uses the “method” property to use POST or GET method.
ALAJAX in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jQuery HTML Content Slider.
bxSlider in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


A combination of an image slider and an accordion, the Slidorion displays beautiful images along with a variable length description. With slides linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the Slidorion is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider.
Slidorion in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

Minimit Gallery Plugin

Minimit Gallery is a highly customizable, library agnostic plugin that does galleries, slideshows, carousels, slides… pratically everything that has multiple states, in less than 10KB.
Minimit Gallery Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

js Message

Custom notifications, alerts, confirmations.
js Message in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Here you may fill forms below in arbitrary way, then close your tab/browser, refresh window or open this page in a new tab to see all your changes are saved and restored.
Sisyphus.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


List.js is a 9 KB cross-browser native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable with the possibility to add, edit and remove items by dead simple templating.
List.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter. No dependencies, just over 1kb gzipped, and customizable!
Validate.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery videoBG

This jQuery plugin enables you to very easily use an HTML5 video as a background to a website or any div.
jQuery videoBG in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


JavaScript currency conversion library, done right – with no dependencies, in just over 1 kb.
Money.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jwerty is a JS lib which allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events. It normalises the poor std api into something easy to use and clear.
Jwerty in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


The main idea behind the Arctext plugin is to rotate letters with CSS3 transforms in order to place them along a curved path. The curve is always a segment of a circle (hence arc) for which the radius can be specified. The space and rotation for each letter will be calculated using that radius and the width of the text.
Arctext.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Response JS is a lightweight jQuery plugin that gives web designers tools for building performance-optimized, mobile-first responsive websites. It provides semantic ways to dynamically swap code blocks based on breakpoints and serve images (or other media) progressively via HTML5 data attributes. Its object methods give developers hooks for triggering responsive actions and booleans for testing responsive properties.
Response.js in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


TextExt is a plugin for jQuery which is designed to provide functionality such as tag input and autocomplete.
TextExt in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.
Sticky in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery.
Jeditable in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


jPages is a client-side pagination plugin but it gives you a lot more features comparing to most of the other plugins for this purpose, such as auto page turn, key and scroll browse, showing items with delay, completely customizable navigation panel and also integration with?Animate.css?and?Lazy Load.
jPages in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

jQuery Cycle Lite Plugin

The jQuery Cycle Lite Plugin is a lighter version of the Cycle Plugin. The Lite version is optimized for file size and includes only a fade transition (though other transition effects can be created using options). It also supports pause-on-hover, auto-fit, before/after callbacks, click triggers and adjustable timeouts and transition speeds.
jQuery Cycle Lite Plugin in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff.
Scrollrama in 50 New jQuery Plugins For Web Developers


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